Photo Gallery
Collaboration matters greatly to me. In all my work, I strive to create authentic relationships based on care, camaraderie and connection. The photo galleries here and under "Books" serve to recognize and appreciate the vibrant relationships that have enriched my life over the decades.
Photo Gallery of Collaborators, Partners & Special Moments
Dr. Anu with Cheerful Hearts Foundation friends during her
book launch event in Ghana.
Dr. Anu sharing her book at the Educational Travel Consortium (ETC) Conference.
So much sweetness!
Presenting as the Hazel Miller Conversations in the Humanities speaker.
The UW in the High Schools "Margins & Centers" Collective is made up of these incredible teachers.
Collaborators and staff for our Mexico program.
Longtime friends and thinking partners.
Collaborators and staff for our India program.
Program staff, friends and students from our Ghana program.
Longtime friends and thinking partners.
Delicious food from Senegal
Xochimilco, Mexico
Commencement Address,
UW College of Built Environment
Keynote in Minnesota
Program staff and students visit 12th century
temples in South India.
Collaborators and staff for our Ghana program.
Collaborators and staff for our India program.
Longtime friends and thinking partners.
Program staff, friends and students
from our Mexico program.
Longtime friends and thinking partners.
Collaborators and staff for our India program.
Awesome book club humans